【简答题】阅读以下说明和流程图,回答问题,并将解答填入对应栏内。 【说明】 求解约瑟夫环问题。算法分析:n个士兵围成一圈,给他们依次编号,班长指定从第w个士兵开始报数,报到第s个士兵出列,依次重复下去,直至所有士兵都出列。 【流程图】 【问题】 将流程图中的(1)~(5)处补充完整。
【单选题】Under the terms of the contract, you must give 3 months‘ notice before you leave.
【单选题】Work in a group with 3-4 people. Choose one topic to extend your topic. Please notice the time per person. Please notice each group should have only ONE topic.
Business in your home town or country.
The importance of English in business.
The effect of technology in business.
Ways of selling products or services.
【单选题】以下哪一项不是王小波《一只特立独行的猪》的特立独行之处( )
【单选题】In the context of employment law, there are circumstances where dismissal without notice is NOT 'wrongful'. In which of the following circumstances does this apply? (1)Both parties have mutually agree...
【单选题】Under the terms of the contract, you must give 3 months‘ notice before you leave.
【单选题】Education can greatly _________ your life.
【单选题】138 In the context of employment law, there are circumstances where dismissal without notice is NOT 'wrongful'.In which of the following circumstances does this apply?(1) Both parties have mutually ag...