【单选题】ETA/pilot reverting means().
ETA pilot station has been given
ETA pilot station will be given afterwards
ETA pilot station was not given
ETA pilot station is given
【多选题】下列各项中,属于会计软件的数据管理的有( )。
【判断题】现行《国家赔偿法》取消了赔偿义务机关 ” 赔偿金的责任,而是规定直接向财政部门申请。因此,在先行赔付的案例中,共同赔偿义务机关之间的追偿问题便不复存在了,都是由财政部门直接支付。
【单选题】The pilot is from Britain.
The pilot is Brazilian
【单选题】A: Pilot Station. This is Red Sea. I require a pilot. where can I take a pilot. Over.B: Red Sea. This is pilot Station. You can take a pilot off whitesands. Over.Q: What does Red Sea require?
【单选题】Utopia: Oilport Pilot. This is Utopia. I require a pilot. Oilport Pilot: Utopia. This is Oilport Pilot. The pilot vessel is approaching your vessel. Utopia requires a___________