【单选题】女性,35岁,支气管哮喘重度发作2天,使用氨茶碱、沙丁胺醇、大剂量激素治疗无效。体检:呼吸浅快,口唇发绀,神志不清,双肺哮鸣音较弱,血气分析:PaO2 50mmHg,PaCO270mmHg。进一步救治措施应为
【单选题】女性,35岁,支气管哮喘重度发作2天,使用氨茶碱、沙丁胺醇、大剂量激素治疗无效,体检:呼吸浅快,口唇发绀,神志不清,双肺呼吸音较弱。血气分析:PaO2 50mmHg,PaCO2 70mmHg。进一步救治措施应为
【单选题】He was said to have been removed from the position of manager for a recent confii~ with an important customer.
【单选题】女性,35岁,支气管哮喘重度发作2天,使用氨茶碱,沙丁胺醇,大剂量激素治疗无效。体检:呼吸浅快,口唇发绀,神志不清,双肺哮鸣音减弱,血气分析:PaO2:50mmHg,PaCO2: 70mmHg,进一步救治措施应为
【判断题】As a child, Lu Xun was glad that he would get the chance to leave the Hundred-Plant Garden, which was said to have dangerous snakes.
【单选题】He was said to have been bright at school and most certainly______university.
【单选题】听力原文:W: Jack must have been joking when he said that he was going to quit his job. M: Don' t be too sure. He told me that he was trying to sell his house. What conclusion does the man want us to make?
He believes that Jack will not be able to sell his house.
He believes that Jack was joking.
He agrees with the woman.
He believes that Jack will quit his job.
【单选题】听力原文:A: John must have been joking when he said that he was going to live in Boston. B: Don't be so sure. He told me that he was looking for an agent to sell his house. The woman believes that John___...
was selling his house himself.