【判断题】赫德在28岁时担任了清朝海关总税务司的文案。( )
【简答题】A.The woman thinks advertisements tell us which product is the best. B.The woman thinks advertisements provide information that we need. C.The woman thinks advertisements provide true information abou...
【简答题】A.The woman thinks the maid was beautiful. B.The woman thinks the salesman exaggerated his part. C.The woman thinks the salesman was realistic. D.The woman thinks the salesman was not dramatic enough.
【单选题】楼梯模具检验是其使用工具有:钢尺、施工线、( )、靠尺和塞尺。
【判断题】习近平总书记强调,中国共产党的领导是中国特色社会主义最本质的特征,中国特色社会主义最大的优势就是中国共产党的领导。( )