现在如下两张表 : 学生信息表 Student(StuID 学生编号 StuName 学生姓名 ,StuAge 学生年龄 ,StuPhone 电话号码 ) 学生成绩表 Score(StuID 学生编号 ,Subject 科目 ,Marks 成绩 ) 现要求查询比 JAVA 成绩好的学生信息
Select * from student where stuname= ’张三’
Select * from student where stuid in(select stuid from score where subject= ’ java ’ and marks>(select marks from score where stuname= ’张三’ ))
Select * from student where stuid in(select stuid from score where subject= ’ java ’ and marks>(select marks from score where subject= ’ java ’ and stuid=(select stuid from student where stuname= ’张三’ )))
Select * from student where stuid in(select stuid from score where subject= ’ java ’ and marks>(select marks from score where stuid=(select stuid from student where stuname= ’张三’ )))