【单选题】I first became aware of the unemployment problem in 1928. At that time I had just come back from Burma, where unemployment was only a word, and I had gone to Burma when I was still a boy and the post-...
They imagined they were to blame for being out of work.
They had to live no the unemployment benefits.
They should have been working instead of doing nothing.
They had to admit that unemployment would probably continue
【简答题】有原子序数依次增大的A、B、C、D、E五种元素,A是短周期中族序数等于周期数的非金属元素;B元素的原子既不易失去,也不易得到电子,其基态原子每种轨道中电子数相同;C元素的价电子构型为ns n np n +1 ;D的最外层电子数与电子层数之比为3∶1;E是地壳中含量仅次于铝的金属元素,其合金用途最广,用量最大。 (1)B与D形成的非极性分子中中心原子的孤电子对数是________,中心原子的杂化轨道...
【单选题】听力原文:M: Hi, Rose. I just bought a four-band radio which can receive short-wave programs very well. W: Really? I've got a ten-band one and it has less jamming. It's a world-receiver, you know. Q: What ...
The woman's radio can receive more programs than the man's.
The woman's radio can't receive programs as well as the man's.
The four-band radio can receive programs with less jamming.