The World Bank established toward the end of World War Ⅱ as S1.______ a new international financial organization providing long-term fi- S2.______ nance in the difficult postwar period which laid ahead. The Bank S3.______ came into operation in June 1946 with a member of 44 countries. S4.______ By April 1962 membership rose to 75, and 15 other countries were S5.______ applicants, most of which new independent African nations. S6.______ The Bank's first group of loans was made in 1947 to aid post- war reconstruction in Western Europe. Tile Bank then turned to lend to assist the economic growth of the less developed countries S7.______ of the world. These development loans now reach almost US $6000 mil- lion. They have helped to lay the foundation of economy progress in S8.______ many countries, particularly by assisting the development of the e- S9.______ lectric power, transportation, industry and agriculture. All payment of interest and principal due from the Bank's bor- S10.______ rowers have been received. 【S1】