【多选题】关于旅游现象产生的表述正确的是( ) The correct description about the emergence( 出现 )of tourism phenomenon are ( )
只有当人们的旅行目的不再具有生产性和经济性,而是具有个人消费属性时旅游才产生 Tourism is created only when the purpose of travel is no longer productive and economical, but with individual consumption attributes.
只有当旅行活动成为一种独立的与个人休闲相联系的社会现象时,旅游现象才会产生 Tourism will emerge( 出现 ) only when travel activities become an independent social phenomenon associated with individual leisure.
只有当人们形成了对时间和空间的自动支配时,旅游现象才会产生 Only when people have the rights about free control of time and space can tourism emerge.
工业革命是旅游产生的唯一条件,因它促成了旅游的各种时间与空间条件的形成 The Industrial Revolution is the only condition for tourism, because it contributed to the formation of various time and spatial conditions for tourism activity.