【简答题】Complete the sentences with the given words: dizzy, fever, thermometer, ache, cough, vitamins , painkillers, infection 1 I need to sit down. I feel _________. My head is spinning. 2 Romeo put the_____...
【单选题】The passage indicates that Shakespeare put____ into Romeo and Juliet.
his personal experience
political issues at the time
【简答题】用下列所给的词语填空,完成句子。 dizzy fever thermometer ache cough vitamins painkillers infection Romeo put the _________ in his mouth to check his temperature.
【简答题】还原分析法指暂时放下所研究的问题,反过来追本溯源,分析问题的本质,从____________出发、从____________ 出发,另辟蹊径,寻找解决问题的新方法。(答案之间 用空格隔开)
【简答题】读图,回答1—3题。 1.图中字母A,是指我国的 [ ] A.岛 B.海南岛 C.岛 D.岛 2.该岛著名的树种是 [ ] A.茶树 B.樟树 C.银杏树 D.水杉 3.关于该岛的叙述,错误的是 [ ] A.该岛属于亚热带、温带气候 B.该岛重点发展出口加工工业,形成“进口一加工一出口”型的经济 C.该岛资源丰富,被誉为“祖国东南海上的明珠” D.该岛有“亚洲天...