【判断题】Since interest rates affect the cost of financing, some possible projects considered by the firm that would be feasible during periods of low interest rates may not be feasible during periods of high ...
【单选题】(2008. 福建)下列句子正确的顺序是:( )1他自负勇武,认为天下无敌,只知玩乐,终于醉生梦死;2传说夏桀身材高大,很有力气 ;3就在夏桀众叛亲离的同时,东部商部落日益强大,见到桀如此无道,起兵灭夏 ;4直到商兵杀到京城,夏桀才如梦初醒,逃向鸣条 ;5同时夏朝与周围方国矛盾也相当激烈
【单选题】High interest rates might ( ) purchasing a house or car but at the same time high interest rates might ( ) saving.
discourage; discourage
【单选题】关于表格数据的排序,描述正确的有( )。
【单选题】双侧肺下界分别位于锁骨中线、腋中线、肩胛线上的 () 。
【单选题】High interest rates _____ people from borrowing money.