【单选题】FOB 术语与 CFR 术语的主要区别是( )。
【简答题】请给下列多音字组词。 担dān( ) 露lù( ) 盛chénɡ( ) 难nán( ) dàn( ) lòu( ) shènɡ( ) nàn( ) 磨mó( ) 似sì( ) mò( ) shì( )
【多选题】T1 He had hair, dirty clothes, and only 35 in his pocket. In Baltimore, Maryland, he a bus and straight the restroom. He thought that if he hid in the restroom, he could ride to New York without payi...
【判断题】泵在小流量工况下工作,泵的运转也会产生不稳定,以至于发生汽蚀。( )