【判断题】个人汽车贷款保证保险中,投保人故意不履行如实告知义务的,保险人不用对保险合同解除前的保险事故进行赔偿或给付保险金。( )
【单选题】What's the concept of face in Confucianism?
【判断题】Moderation is an important part of self-cultivation in Confucianism, the core idea of it is of no excess, no matter in thought or behavior.
【单选题】Which one is NOT in the five cardinal relationships emphasized in Confucianism?
Elder brother and younger brother
【简答题】地铁作为流动的博物馆,被称为城市“最有价值的隐藏”。 材料一:北京地铁宛若一条条彩带串连起北京不同区域的“文化珍珠”:颐和园、天坛、鸟巢、什刹海、南锣鼓巷、王府井、中关村科技园,等等。一座座地铁站造型别致,站内设计装饰与地面文化景观交相辉映、浑然一体,仿佛在讲述着北京的昨天、今天和明天。北京地铁还举办了“祖国你好”大型公益广告活动、“民俗风、中国年”迎新春活动、儿童文学专列、诗歌坊等丰富多彩的活动...
【简答题】What two Chinese idioms (成语) are used to illustrate the relationship between husband and wife in Confucianism that is introduced in the video? Please answer in Chinese.
【判断题】Dao De in Confucianism and Daoism have the same meaning.
【判断题】In Confucianism, the emperor had a unique position because he could link the realms of Heaven, earth, and men through his actions.
【单选题】What is at the core in Confucianism?