【简答题】22 组织文化建设的阶段:(1)( )阶段;(2)( )阶段;(3)( )阶段;(4)( )阶段。
【单选题】My father told me a story that ________ European woman helped him a lot when he was in America in ________ 1970s.
【单选题】He told me that he wasn’t used to by plane and he used to sick a lot.
【简答题】He told me the good news.(改为感叹句) ________ ________ ________he told me!
【单选题】我党提出要实现马克思主义与中国实际的“第二次结合”,这里的“第二次结合”是指( )
【单选题】Mr Smith told me that he wasn’t used to ___ by plane and he used to __sick a lot.
【单选题】女,9岁,有肾病史。1周前上呼吸道感染,经对症治疗后鼻塞流涕有所好转,但有咳嗽,昨天起体温升高39.4℃,伴恶心、呕吐,腹痛呈持续性。体检:体质虚弱,神清,两肺呼吸音减弱,白细胞19×10 9 /L,中性粒细胞0.9,考虑诊断是()。
【单选题】探索马克思主义同中国实际“第二次结合”是要( )。