【简答题】They developed geometry for the study of the sun,stars,and moon.These ancient people delighted in(3)______with mathematics,
【简答题】The last two decades have spawned many research studies examining issues related to gender differences in the learning of mathematics. While there is still some debate about the nature of these differ...
【判断题】A company performs 20 days of work on a 30-day contract before the end of the year. The total contract is valued at $6,000, with payment received in advance. The $6,000 cash receipt was initially reco...
【简答题】The proprietorship received an offer from a local retailer to rent the house for three months, with the rent payable in advance for $360. When the cash is received, it is recorded as a $360 debit to ...
【单选题】甲公司是一家玩具生产企业。在企业运营过程中,表现出如下特征:(1)该公司数十年坚持经营起家产品拼插玩具生产,并不断尝试新式玩具;(2)该公司产品属于优质优价;(3)该公司采用纵向一体化策略,将从原材料供应到最终产品的销售的整个过程合并到公司内部;(4)在不断提高技术效率的同时,也注重技术创新。根据以上信息可以判断,甲公司选择的战略组织类型是( )。
【单选题】Does the following statement agree with the information given in the text? Mary Somerville was a greater mathematician than Augustus de Moran.Although it was unusual for young women of her era to purs...
【单选题】A company performs 20 days of work on a 30-day contract before the end of the year. The total contract is valued at $6,000, with payment received in advance. The $6,000 cash receipt was initially reco...
【单选题】违反有关规定从事营利活动,有下列行为之一,情节较轻的,给予警告或者严重警告处分;情节较重的,给予撤销党内职务或者留党察看处分;情节严重的,给予开除党籍处分。 1经商办企业的 2拥有非上市公司(企业)的股份或者证券的 3买卖股票或者进行其他证券投资的 4从事有偿中介活动的 5在国(境)外注册公司或者投资入股的 6有其他违反有关规定从事营利活动的
【多选题】党员违反有关规定从事营利活动,有下列行为( )之一,情节较轻的,给予警告或者严重警告处分;情节较重的,给予撤销党内职务或者留党察看处分;情节严重的,给予开除党籍处分。