【简答题】关于 include 和 extern ,在多文件的项目中,一个文件用到了另一个文件中定义的函数,此时既可以用 extern 来引用该函数,又可以 #include 另一个文件使得编译通过。这两种方式本质上没太大区别,在 include 的文件(头文件)里有时也用 extern 来声明 . 但用 include 文件有很多优点 : 当用到多个外部变量或函数的时候, extern: 在每个用到的文件...
【单选题】以成渝深化合作为契机,推动( )北经济区融入成渝经济区发展
【简答题】任务型阅读。 Clocks and watches help us get to the place on time. They can make our life easy. Have a quick look at a watch or a clock, and We can know the time. If we have little time, we must be quick. If...
【简答题】Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. These living clocks are not accurate in any robot-like mechanical sense. Where would the sentence bes...
【简答题】荣昌 —— 渝西川东结合部旅游休闲圣地 荣昌位于重庆市西部,地处渝西川东结合部,距重庆市区 88.5 公里,距成都市区 246 公里,成渝高速公路、成渝铁路穿境而过。 荣昌历史悠久,自唐肃宗乾元 2 年(公元 759 年)设县至今,已有 1300 多年。 荣昌地理环境优越,自然风光秀丽。 古人盛赞 “山环绕而蜿蜒,地宽广而爽垲”,“群峰秀拔,二水纡回”,雅称“海棠香国”。 荣昌旅游资源丰富,其中荣...
【简答题】Some people remember the things by writing notes to themselves . Then they leave the notes in obvious (明显) places , such as on the table or on the floor in the middle of the living room . I don ’ t th...
【单选题】Look at the four squaresthat indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. These living clocks are not accurate in any robot-like mechanical sense. Where would the sentence best...
【简答题】荣昌县中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要指出:要将荣昌打造成川东渝西的教育高地,为了促进教育的快速发展近期提出了“五个校园”建设工程,要求绿色校园达标率从2010年的40%到2012年达到80%,那么年平均增长率是______( 2 ≈1.414,保留两位数)