【判断题】If you have a fever when you are ill, your body temperature is higher than usual.
【单选题】Please___ your temperature and tell me if you have a fever.
【简答题】根据课堂提供的案例,分析在学校教育过程中,学生极端的偏差行为的根源以及教育应如何作为? 思考与小组讨论15min,请小组派1位代表阐述2min/组: 1、问题的根源在哪里? 2、教育应如何作为?
【判断题】If you have a fever and cough, you must get NCP.
【判断题】If you have a fever, that means you are certainly infected with COVID-19.
【简答题】To find out if you have a fever caused by illness, wait until you ___________ for an hour or so before using a thermometer.
【单选题】2018年某商品价格用人民币表示为3 810元,以1∶6.35的人民币对美元的汇率出口到美国市场。如果2018年生产该商品的行业劳动生产率提高25%,且人民币对美元升值10%,那么,在其他条件不变的情况下,该商品以________的价格出口到美国市场。( ) A.495美元 B.660美元 C.480美元 D.528美元
【单选题】申报商检局复验出证,必须在索赔期内,而且最少( )之前提出,以便商检局复验出证和向外办理索赔手续
【判断题】Stay home if you have a fever cough and difficulty breathing.