【判断题】Product descriptions can be classified into short descriptions and long descriptions.
【判断题】Judgments and implications can be drawn from objective descriptions.
【判断题】Descriptions can be broadly divided into two categories, they are objective description and subjective description.
【判断题】Personal viewpoints can be included in descriptions.
【单选题】患者,李某,在工地作业时被重物挤压造成骨翁骨折导致后尿道损伤,肉眼血尿。 试插尿管可顺利入膀胱,注射生理盐水200ml,但仅抽出50ml,应考虑是
【单选题】If member variables in a class can be accessed by the same package, which of the following descriptions should be used ?
【判断题】Objective descriptions can be both scientific statements and personal feelings.