【简答题】The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in Belleville, but it wasn’t until my third year in high school that the possibility took hold.
【多选题】某工程双代号网络计划如下图所示,图中箭线上方表示工作代号,箭线下方为工作的持续时间(时间单位:天),则该网络计划( )。
【多选题】某工程双代号网络计划如图3—1所示,要求A、B工作第8天开始,E和F工作均最迟于第22天完成,则以下参数计算正确的是( )。
【多选题】个人品德是个体对某种道德要求认同和践履的结果,集中体现了( )的统一。
【简答题】Helen took dance classes. She had no natural grace or sense of rhythm. She ually gave up the idea of becoming a dancer.
【判断题】According to the product concept, more focuses should be given to the quality and performance of the products.