【简答题】国美、苏宁电器等大型家电连锁商店对所售商品实行明码标价。 2. 武网公开赛志愿者需主动协助老人、孕妇和丧失行动能力人士。 3. 猪年伊始,经济形势迅速回升,该公司订单大增。 4. 截止至 2 9 日下午 5 时,东湖高新区五个限价房地块都无人报价。 5. 江南一带这种对蚕及丝绸的崇拜代代相传,一直沿袭至今。 6. 中国很多民间节日是按照春夏秋冬一年四季而形成。 7. 该公司自有资本 2 00 万元...
【简答题】The second set of beams were small beams welded between the first 24 columns, to _______________________________________.
【单选题】Beams are cambered to().
increase their strength
provide drainage from the decks
【单选题】Which process is correct to make up pictures on the television?
beams of light--lens of the television camera --an electronic device—electric impulses -- aerials -- receivers -- pictures.
beams of light -- lens of the television camera-- a plate--an electronic device--electric impulses -- receivers -- aerials -- pictures.
beams of light-- a plate -- an electronic device -- aerials -- electric impulses --receivers -- pictures.
beams of light -- lens of the television camera -- a plate -- an electronic device--electric impulses -- aerials -- receivers -- pictures.
【判断题】Wooden beams may be longer than stone beams.
【简答题】Different energy sources produce beams that have a particular effect on certain ______.