Review Test 2 Read the paragraph below, and correct each fragment. 1 It is very common for college students and young adults to find themselves in debt. 2 As a result of poor spending habits. 3 In order to learn how to effective manage money. 4 Students should be required to take economic classes. 5 From elementary school all through high school. 6 Starting in elementary school, students could learn how to budget allowances. 7 How to save for items like toys and college, and how to run small businesses like lemonade stands or lawn mowing services. 8 Games could be used in the classroom to allow students hands-on learning. 9 As students get older. 10 Classes could be more sophisticated. 11 Students could learn about different concepts. 12 Like compound interest, opportunity costs, and trade-offs. 13 They could also be taught about the history of economics. 14 How the government influences the economy, and how and why countries trade. 15 High school students ’ courses would take economics even further. 16 Explaining general investing, paying for college, and planning for retirement. 17 Students could be required to intern at various businesses. 18 To learn economics from the business side. 19 Teaching economics on all educational levels could help many students avoid poor spending choices. 20 And enjoy better financial situations throughout their lives. Example: Number of sentence —— Correction 2 —— It is very common for college students and young adults to find themselves in debt as a result of poor spending habits.