【单选题】There is a scar on the criminal’s face, so it’s not hard to ________ him.
炮 烙(páo) 濒 临(bīn) 矫 捷(jiǎo) 恪 守不渝(gè)
攻 讦 (jié) 沮 丧(jǔ) 趔 趄(liè) 间 不容发(jiàn)
旖 旎(qí) 剽 悍(piāo) 蹊 跷(qī) 莘 莘学子(shēn)
狙 击(jū) 罪 愆 (qiān) 拓 片(tà) 稗 官野史(bài)
【单选题】He is good English.
【单选题】Conversationalimplicature is a part of .
【单选题】 Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human__________.
【单选题】What they are talking about me, for it is full of jargon.
is beyond; impenetrable
【单选题】_ _________ is a way in which new words may be formed from already existing words by subtracting anaffix which is thought to be part of the old word.
【单选题】Which one is equivalent to“parking”?