作业要求: 原句超好,中文翻译在下方,拍照提交。 翻译文中语句: And, to what lengths can or should we go to make ourselves more beautiful? You should watch what you eat and keep yourself fit. I think it's up to everyone to decide what is right for them, but I do feel that people should be happy with themselves,regardless of how they look. Seldom do people think of the real dangers of this obsession with looks, both from eating disorders and from having cosmetic surgery. Also many people feel unhappy because they just don't happen to fit society's current ideas of what is beauty. Since you're a historian, perhaps you could give us a brief perspective on this. So I don't see any real point in discussing all these quaint old customs. Well, I think that sets out some of the issues very well, so now let's take our first call...