【单选题】学校订阅了335本英语字典发放给3个年级共10个班级,要求每个年级至少发100本,每个班级至少发15本。那么发得最多的那个班最多发( )本。
【多选题】施工单位必须按照( )施工,不得擅自修改工程设计,不得偷工减料。
【单选题】He works too hard, That is_____is wrong with him.
【单选题】Is an inaugural address ____________? a) a residential place b) a formal speech to introduce someone into a new place or job
a) a residential place
b) a formal speech to introduce someone into a new place or job
【单选题】—Xiao Hua looks unhappy, doesn’t she?----Yes, let’s go and ask______.
what wrong is with her
What wrong was with her C What is wrong with her D. What was wrong with her.