【单选题】男,40岁。3小时前左上腹被汽车门撞伤,即出现腹部剧痛、心慌、头晕、呕吐,查体:面色苍白、出冷汗,P120次/分,Bp80/50mmHg,腹稍胀,腹式呼吸减弱,腹膜刺激征(+),以左上腹为著,移动性浊音(+),肠鸣音消失,肝浊音界存在。对协助诊断有意义的检查是( )
【单选题】男,40岁。3小时前左上腹被汽车门撞伤,即出现腹部剧痛、心慌、头晕、呕吐,查体:面色苍白、出冷汗,P120次/分,Bp80/50mmHg,腹稍胀,腹式呼吸减弱,腹膜刺激征(+),以左上腹为著,移动性浊音(+),肠鸣音消失,肝浊音界存在。该患者诊断为闭合性腹部损伤,考虑最可能损伤的脏器为( )
【简答题】A.Not to visit his class. B.The class objects the visit. C.To visit his class next Monday. D.The students will have their examination next Monday.
【简答题】男, 40岁。3小时前左上腹被汽车门撞伤,即出现腹部剧痛,头晕、心慌、呕吐。查体:面色苍白,出冷汗,P 120次/分,血压 80/50mmHg,腹稍胀,腹式呼吸减弱,腹膜刺激征(+),以左上腹为主,移动性浊音(+),肠鸣音消失,肝浊音界存在。实验室检查红细胞、血红蛋白、红细胞压积明显下降。请问: ( 1)该病人的初步诊断为什么? ( 2)术前护理要点有哪些?
【单选题】男,40岁。3小时前左上腹被汽车门撞伤,即出现腹部剧痛、心慌、头晕、呕吐,查体:面色苍白、出冷汗,P120次/分,Bp80/50mmHg,腹稍胀,腹式呼吸减弱,腹膜刺激征(+),以左上腹为著,移动性浊音(+),肠鸣音消失,肝浊音界存在。护士为该患者手术治疗进行下列术前准备,不当的是( )
【单选题】Witkins rightly argues that population may be deemed a valid sustainable development indicator—that sustainability can only be implemented by limiting population below the carrying capacity of the Ear...
What accounts for the difference in rates of consumption in certain countries?
What is the numerical factor by which per capita energy consumption exceeds physiological energy requirements?
Which countries tend to have more sensitive ecosystems, those with small or large populations?
What factor in calculating sustainability has Witkins neglected to consider in his theory of global development?
What evidence is there for the notion that higher rates of consumption can be more important than population rates in calculating the impact of development?
【简答题】His visit may indicate that the United States and Vietnam now base relations on _______, not _______.
【简答题】患者,男,40岁3小时前左上腹被汽车门撞伤,即出现腹部剧痛、头晕、心慌、呕吐,查体:面色苍白、出冷汗,P 120次/分,BP 80/50rnmHg,腹稍胀,腹式呼吸减弱,腹膜刺激征(+),以左上腹为著,移动性浊音(+),肠呜音消失,肝浊音界存在。 (1)该病人诊断为闭合性腹部损伤,考虑最可能损伤的脏器是 A .肝 B.脾 C.胃 D.胰腺 E.膀胱 (2)以下处理 不正确 的...