【判断题】蜗杆传动 1 22 一般情况下由下列参数可完全确定蜗杆传动的主要几何尺寸:( 1 )中心距;( 2 )传动比;( 3 )蜗杆头数;( 4 )模数;( 5 )蜗杆直径系数(或蜗杆分度圆直径);( 6 )变位系数。 ( )
【单选题】When somebody says “under the weather”, he must feel ________.
【单选题】When somebody says “morning!”, we can ask a question like “What did he do?”. And the answer could be that he produced a sound, word or sentence. The act performed in this sense is called a act.
【单选题】患者女性,60岁,肝硬化病史5年。因饮食不当出现呕血、黑便1天入院,呕吐暗红色液体3次,量约800ml,黑便2次,量约500g。查体:T 37.8℃,P 120次/分,R 22次/分,BP 85/60mmHg,精神萎靡,面色苍白,四肢湿冷,医嘱予以输血800ml。根据资料回答第64~66题。 该患者出血最可能的原因
【单选题】When somebody says“morning!”, we can ask a question like“What did he do?”. And the answer could be that he produced a sound, word or sentence. The act performed in this sense is called aact.
【简答题】计算机先后经历了以电子管、( )、集成电路、大规模和超大规模集成电路为主要元器件的时代。