【单选题】The single invention of the computer _______many new professions.
【单选题】Birth Control The term birth control refers to the volitional (自觉的) control of the number and spacing of children in a family. It encompasses the wide range of rational and irrational methods that hav...
【单选题】My _____ is April eighteenth. [ ]
【简答题】Which year is normally accepted as the birth year of Beijing Opera? The year of 1. is normally accepted as the birth year of Beijing Opera.
【简答题】读下面这首诗,完成题目。(5分) 夏意 苏舜钦 别院深深夏簟清,石榴开遍透帘明。 树阴满地日当午,梦觉流莺时一声。 [注]苏舜钦:北宋诗人,主张改革,被削籍为民,于苏州修建沧浪亭,隐居不仕,《夏意》作于此时。 (1)有人说这首诗题为“夏意”,全诗“无一句不切夏意”。第一句中的“夏”,点明时令,第二句中的__________和第三句中的__________不仅扣住诗题,更写出了诗人生活环境的____...