【单选题】People often damage their health by eating too much ______.
【单选题】People often dose their windows to prevent damage caused by ______.
【判断题】配合饲料主原料储存量需能满足 1 个月以上生产的需要。( )
【简答题】People often damage their health by eating too many _________.A. breakfast
cereals B. fatty foods C. frozen vegetables
【单选题】What do people often think of heavy use of alcohol?
It is a normal way to celebrate one's success.
It can cause huge damage to people's health.
It takes a heavy toll of human life every year.
It can alleviate the tediousness of the routine work.
often damage their health by eating too much _____.A. breakfast cereal B. fatty food C. frozen vegetable
【单选题】People often damage their health by eating too much _______.