有关文言文化常识的解说,不正确的一项是( ) A .执事:是执行法律与裁决的官吏。 B .大夫:官职等级名。夏商周时,、大夫、士三级,大夫又分上、中、下三等。后来成为对有官位者的通称。 C .《战国策》是中国古代的一部历史学名着。它是一部国别体史书,又称《国策》。由西汉所整理编写,共33篇,分为十二策。《国语》是第一部国别体史书。 D .《战国策》是中国古代的一部历史学名着。它是一部国别体史书,又称《国策》。由西汉所整理编写,共33篇,分为十二策。《国语》是第一部国别体史书。
【简答题】填空题:1. dream 2. enter 3. Good luck 4. called 5. talking 填空题:1. first prize 2. travel around 3. made up 4. write about 5. invited; to go 填空题:1. Have; tried any 2. doesn't need 3. No, he hasn'...
【简答题】Directions Listen to the dialogue and fill in the following blanks (B- Bartender: G--Guest) B: Good evening, sir and madam. Welcome to our bar. How can I help you? G1: Good evening, I'd like to order ...
【简答题】What is smog? 2. What other cities were affected by smog, and which city was called PeaSouper and why? 3. What have helped to alleviate the smog problem in these cities? 4. What factors have made the ...
【简答题】Do you like learning English? Why/ Why not? 2. What difficulties do you have in learning English? 3. I have many difficulties in learning English, such as vocabulary and grammar. 4. Can you make yours...