【单选题】患儿,7月,发热咳嗽5天,近2天出现呕吐,3次/天,呈喷射状,惊厥2次,曾肌内注射青霉素5天,接种过卡介苗。查体:嗜睡,前囟饱满,颈无抵抗感。脑脊液:外观浑浊,白细胞800×10 6 /L,中性80%,蛋白2g/L,糖1.2 mmol/L>.此患儿最可能的诊断是
【单选题】She is under the impression that he isn’t a person for he wouldn’t tell her where and when he went to university.
【单选题】7个月男婴,发热、咳嗽5天,近2天来呕吐,每天4次,今天突然抽搐3次,曾注射青霉素3天。出生后已接种卡介苗,以往无抽搐史,否认头部创伤史。查体:嗜睡状,轻气促,前囟饱满,颈无抵抗,两肺少许中小湿啰音。巴氏征(+),克布征(-)。实验室检查:PPD试验0.8×0.9cm。血常规WBC18×10 9 /L,N66%,L34%。脑脊液:外观微混,WBC900×10 6 /L,N80%,L20%,蛋白质1...
【单选题】He is under no obligation_________ that.
【简答题】He is . He wants to have a rest(休息). He sees a red chair under a tree over there. So he walks to the chair. There is man in front of him.
【单选题】What is John’s reaction when he is taken under control by Annie and the other girls and forced to choose?
he fight fiercely and refuse to choose
he says he choose Annie in a strange and malicious voice
he chooses Annie out of defeat