【单选题】To which of the following would John Davis most probably agree?
Taking time off can not avoid or fix burnout for sure.
Many bosses are quite concerned about job fatigue.
Managers have strived to prevent burnout but in vain.
Many CEOs may not know their burnout levels at all.
【单选题】若p:x>3,q:x>2,那么怕是p是q的什么条件( )
【多选题】下列职责中,应当相互分离的职责有( )。
【单选题】We confirm that we agree ________ your suggestion made in your last letter.
【判断题】As we are preparing for take-off, please fasten your seatbelt and confirm that your electronic devices such as mobile phone have been switched off. 这里的confirm 意思为确认。
【多选题】下列职责中,应当相互分离的职责有( )。
【多选题】记账人员与经办经济业务事项和会计事项的相关人员的职责权限应当明确,并相互分离、相互制约。下列各项中属于该相关人员的有( )。
【多选题】行政事业单位应当合理设置支出业务岗位,明确相关岗位的职责权限,确保不相容岗位相互分离。下列各项中,属于支出业务不相容岗位的有( )。
【多选题】下列职责中,应当相互分离的职责有( )。