【单选题】听力原文:We really need to buy a computer desk, don't we? (A) I can't afford to buy a new computer. (B) Well, this one is still good enough. (C) I put a disk on your desk. (25)
【单选题】某10层现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,地下一层箱形基础顶为嵌固端,房屋高度为36.4m。首层层高为4.0m,2~10层层高均为3.6m。该房屋为丙类建筑,抗震设防烈度为8度,设计基本地震加速度为0.20g,框架抗震等级为一级。沿该建筑物竖向框架结构的层刚度无突变,楼层屈服强度系数ξ y ,分布均匀。已求得首层的楼层屈服强度系数ξ y =0.45。1~3层柱截面及其混凝土强度等级、配筋均相同。按实配钢筋和...
【单选题】听力原文:Why don't we write a memo to all employees? (A) We didn't receive it. (B) That's a good idea. (C) They are in the Accounting Department. (27)