【简答题】设连续型随机变量 的概率分布密度函数为 ,则 参数 ; ; ; . (注意:概率请用小数表示,不要用分数表示)
【简答题】已知X的概率密度函数为 则 ________,(请用小数表示) _________,(请用小数表示) ___________(此空请填“不忘初心”)
【单选题】待检品的信息录入时,下列哪项不需要录入( )
【判断题】稳定土拌和设备中拌和成本较低的设备是路拌机。( )
【简答题】A major new development in systems of work in Britain is taking place. Flexible working hours, or “flextime”, are catching on fast, and this trend( 趋势 ) is continuing. In 1973, over 500 organizations ...
【简答题】People give flowers on many occasions in Germany. Although ______ sell flowers wrapped in paper or plastic, their customers always unwrap the flowers before giving them to others. A ______ should alwa...