【判断题】Wordsworth wrote in the preface,“all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow" of emotions.
【单选题】根据《侵权责任法》规定,从建筑物上抛掷的物品致他人损害的,如果难以确定具体侵权人,除能证明自己不是侵权人的外,由可能加害的( )给予补偿。
【判断题】Wordsworth wrote in his peom: "Bliss was it in that down to be alive, But to be youth was very heaven!."
【判断题】D orothy Wordsworth wrote the Grasmere Journal when she lived in the Dove Cottage.
【判断题】In English Romanticism William Wordsworth wrote under the influence of Scottish folk tradition and old Scottish poetry.
【判断题】In English Romanticism William Wordsworth wrote under the influence of Scottish folk tradition and old Scottish poetry.
【单选题】根据《侵权责任法》规定,从建筑物上抛掷的物品致他人损害的, 如果难以确定具体侵权人的,除能够证明自己不是侵权人的外, 由可能加害的( )给赔偿。