【简答题】_____ of the students ______ Young Pioneers. A. Two-fives; is B. Two-fifths; are C.Second-fifth; are D. Two-five; are 22. It was ...
【单选题】合同订立后,招标人应及时通知其他未中标的投标人,按要求退回招标文件、图纸和有关技术资料,同时退还 ( )
【单选题】冼星海一生中从事创作的时间只有10余年,给我们留下了数百首各种体裁的音乐作品,其中歌曲250余首;大合唱4部、歌剧1部、交响曲2部、管弦乐组曲4部、狂想曲1部以及小提琴、钢琴等器乐独奏、重奏曲多首,冼星海创作经典抗战革命歌曲称为( )号手。
【单选题】聚焦“丝绸之路”的民族歌剧《莫高窟》首次创造出全新的宣叙调音乐形式,将意大利歌剧唱法和中国的民族唱法巧妙结合,并采用中国特色民族乐器管弦乐团全程伴奏,把中国戏曲特有的“紧拉慢唱”演唱形式,丰富多彩的节奏与和声变化在歌剧中体现出来。民族歌剧《莫高窟》的此次艺术探索( ) 1经历了不同民族文化之间的交流、借鉴与融合 2以全新的宣叙调音乐形式实现了东西方文化的趋同 3求同存异,兼收并蓄,彰显出中华文化的...
【单选题】_____ were all young pioneers when we were in the primary school.
【简答题】V. 改错: 1. Look! The girl is swimming on the river behind the hill. 2. Who’s the pencil on the teacher’s desk? Is it yours or Tom’s? 3. There are many books on the floor. Let’s take it to the desk. 4. ...
【简答题】改错题。 1. Look! The girl is swimming on the river behind the hill. 2. Who's the pencil on the teacher's desk? Is it yours or Tom's? 3. There are many books on the floor. Let's take it to the desk. 4. Mi...