【单选题】患儿,11个月。母乳喂养,未加辅食。近一个月出现反应迟钝,嗜睡,间断出现手、足、头震颤,面色苍黄,最可能的发病原因是( )。
【简答题】Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of items related to museum visiting. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to ( 与...等同 ) those given in Chinese in the table below....
【单选题】11个月婴儿,生后母乳加牛乳喂养,未加其他辅食,2个月来面色苍白,食欲差,易患呼吸道感染。肝肋下3cm,脾肋下1.5 em,Hb 68g/L,RBC2.8×1012/L。红细胞明显大小不等,直径偏大,中心浅染区明显扩大,最佳诊断为
患儿男,11个月。因面色苍白1个月就诊,患儿生后一直单纯母乳喂养,未添加辅食。查体:精神萎靡,生长发育落后于同龄儿,反应迟钝,头发枯黄,前囟2cm×2cm,皮肤、粘膜和甲床苍白。心、肺无异常,血红蛋白75g/L,血涂片检查见红细胞体积小,中央淡染区扩大。应采取的措施是 A.输血治疗
【单选题】Logan: I want to take the dog out for a walk, but I can’t find ______ leash.
【简答题】yeast artificial chromosomes
【单选题】Iâm nervous about dining in the restaurant tonight. There are so many different glasses and forks on the table. Can I borrow your book about ______?