【单选题】Directions: Compare the following sentences and choose those in which the underlined idea is emphasized.
Don’t believe the stranger if he comes up to you in the street and offers you a well-paid job together with a car and a house.
If a stranger comes up to you in the street and offers you a well-paid job together with a car and a house , don’t believe him .
【简答题】Vocabulary and structure Directions: Compare each pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one. Change the form if necessary. draw, drawing 1. _____ has never been my interest...
【简答题】下图为氢标准电极,玻管内装的是硫酸溶液, H 2 从下端通入,上端流出;的另一端 与待测电极连接。氢标准电极是这样规定的: 1 硫酸溶液中 c (H + ) = ( 1 ) mol · L - 1 (保留一位小数) 2 吹出的 H 2 在金属铂片上形成饱和气流,在玻管内有压强 p = ( 2 ) KPa 3 体系的温度 T = ( 3 ) K (整数) 4 E θ (H + /H 2 ) = ( ...
【单选题】Directions: Compare the following sentences and choose those in which the underlined idea is emphasized.
That a single man with a good fortune must want a wife is a truth universally acknowledged.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man with a good fortune must want a wife .
【简答题】下图表示人体内免疫细胞组成的概念图,据图回答: (1)人体内的免疫细胞是由骨髓中的______分化形成的,各种免疫细胞形态和功能不同,根本原因是_______的结果。 (2)既能参与非特异性免疫,又能参与特异性免疫的细胞属于图中的____(填数字),在特异性免疫中该细胞的作用_______。 (3)图中所示的以下细胞中,具有增殖分化能力的有_____。 A.记忆细胞 B.② C.③ D.④...