【判断题】Excel 软件的功能定位是处理电子表格( )
【单选题】一、 基础知识积累与运用(18分,每小题3分、) 峨眉山层峦叠嶂、山势雄伟,景色秀丽, 气象万千 ,素有“一山有四李,十里不同天”之妙喻。进入山中, 重峦叠嶂 ,古木参天;峰回路转,云断桥连;涧深谷幽,天光一线;万壑飞流,水声潺潺;仙雀鸣唱,彩蝶翩翩;灵猴 嬉戏 ,琴娃奏弹;奇花铺径,别有洞天。春季万物萌动, 郁郁葱葱 ;夏季百花争艳, 姹紫焉红 ;秋季红叶满山,五彩 缤纷 ;冬季 银装素裹 ,白...
【单选题】He ______ his friend the moment he got the good news.
【单选题】He kept in constant contact with his family while he was in Australia.
【单选题】听力原文:He kept up his old car because new ones are so expensive. What did he do with his old car?
He maintained the old car.
He planned to replace the old car.
He discarded the old car.
He had his old car fixed.
【简答题】A.To create a humane environment. B.To save time and money. C.To educate them. D.To replace the family.
【判断题】工程完工前,工程物资发生的盘盈应冲减工程成本。( )