AV Clip 7:cause3 Is Autism Genetic AV 7.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete each statement according to the information from the video clip. So is autism a (1) ____________________? Now this is something that has been researched and they are definitely genetic conditions that are associated with autism. Something like (2) __________________X. And that is a testing that is done in children often diagnosed with autism. It is rare but there's an abnormality in the (3) ____________________being transmitted. That is an issue in some children, however, this is a very small (4) ___________________of children who get diagnosed with autism who actually have a fragile X problem. There are other medical conditions which are genetically known but the understanding is that it is not one gene, but there are (5) _______________ genes and it's probably a host of little differences whether you call them denovo (6) _________________or changes that take place, or single nucleotide polymorphisms called snips, which can contribute and work together as a (7) ______________to cause a difference in the immune system, in themethylation cycles and in so many other areas that are important in the neurochemistry and the neurobiology of the brain. So there is underlying genetic differences and it is interesting that some of the genes that have been associated with autism are also involved with (8) ______________function, with immune function and a huge amount of research is coming out in this area. Something simple not just with major genes but genes that code for (9) ______________this is going to get a little complex as I use words like the creation of folic acid has to be converted to folinic acid and you need MTHFR, methyltetrahydrofolate reductase, which is an enzyme that converts the (10) ____________acid to folinic acid. And children with the autism spectrum often can have one or two of the LLS, or pieces missing in the creation of this enzyme and if this enzyme is not working effectively you may have some issues in the creation of folic acid which you need for your brain and for a neurotransmitter functioning which is important for the creation of dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine... I'm going into major chemistry here but that's what genetics involves. So it's not just a simple gene but it's a cascade of genes and it's not just the major genetics, the major chromosomes that we're talking about but the sub areas the DNA creation of even enzymes and the genetic variations at that level that may be involved or that are involved and need to be researched and worked with in children with an autism spectrum disorder.