【判断题】Hyphen is used to signal a pause longer than that of a comma but not as long as that of a period.
【简答题】男性,70岁,因咳嗽、咯痰、喘息40年,加重1周伴烦躁不安3天入院。查体:T38.6℃,P120次/分,R40次/分,BP110/60mmHg,呈谵妄状态,呼吸困难,唇紫绀,球结膜水肿,颈静脉怒张,气管居中,桶状胸,叩诊双肺区呈过清音,听诊双肺哮鸣音及两下肺密集细小水泡音,HR120次/分,律齐,P2>A2,肝肋下4cm,质软,无压痛,下肢浮肿。辅助检查:血WBC://16×1 09 /L,N:0...
【简答题】To signal a pause longer than a comma, or a change in tone, we can use a ______.
【单选题】The three backpackers finally reached the top of Mount Huangshan, ________ they could enjoy the breathtaking sights to their heart's content.
【单选题】建设工程一切险是承保各类民用、工业和公用事业建筑工程项目,包括道路、桥梁、水坝、港口等,在建造过程中因( )而引起的一切损失的险种。
【单选题】Finally the three of them walk towards the teaching building.
【判断题】Finally the three of them walk towards the teaching building.
【判断题】dash( —— ) is used to signal a pause longer than that of a comma but not as long as that of a period.
【判断题】Pause is useful to signal the end of a thought unit.