【单选题】The clubs of CSI-Bally grow at an estimated speed of one to two times every year in India.
【单选题】评估求助者一般心理健康水平的手段是( )。
【简答题】The day when the jobs were handed out was one of the most exciting moments for all the children in the class. It took place during the first week of the term. Every kid was given a job for which they ...
【单选题】Ernie's utility function is U (x; y) = xy. Ernie consumes 4 units of x and 16 units of y.
Ernie would be willing to make small exchanges of x for y in which he gives up 4 units of x for every unit of y he gets.
Ernie would be willing to trade away all of his x for y so long he gets more than 4 units of y for every unit of x he gives up.
Ernie likes x and y equally well so he is always willing to exchange 1 unit of either good for more than one unit of the other.
【简答题】患者赵某,女, 48 岁。患 “ 糖尿病 ” 多年,一直注射胰岛素治疗,近半个月因与家人不和,情绪不佳,拒绝使用胰岛素;因纳差、恶心呕吐、多尿、意识不清入院。查体: T 36.8 °C, P100 次 / 分, R 28 次 / 分, BP90/60mmHg ,患者皮肤干燥,双眼球下凹,呼之不应,呈昏迷状态,呼吸有烂苹果味。实验室检查:尿糖( ++++ ),尿酮体强阳性,血糖 21.5mmol/L...
【判断题】已知x为非空列表,那么执行语句x[0] = 3之后,列表对象x的内存地址不变。
【单选题】Ernie's utility function is U (x,y) = xy. Ernie consumes 4 units of x and 16 units of y.
Ernie would be willing to make small exchanges of x for y in which he gives up 4 units of x for every unit of y he gets.
Ernie would be willing to trade away all of his x for y so long he gets more than 4 units of y for every unit of x he gives up.
Ernie likes x and y equally well so he is always willing to exchange 1 unit of either good for more than one unit of the other.