【单选题】法国是世界著名的三大烹饪王国之一,法国最名贵的菜是( )。
【判断题】The first source you can use to find fun about a city is the local newspaper.
【单选题】What is the first source you can use to find fun about a city?
【多选题】靠是将士穿的铠甲,分 (身后插四面三角小旗)、 (不插旗子)、 (靠下衬有战裙,身缀彩色飘带)、神靠(天兵天将穿的,靠身雕有天衣飘带等)。
【判断题】The first source you can use to find fun about a city is the local newspaper.
【简答题】You can use a source file with the HTML codes as a for one of your Web pages or modify the format to suit your purpose.