【简答题】2010年的中国经受了一次次历史罕见自然灾害的挑战:西南大部旱魃逞凶、多条江河洪浪翻滚、东南沿海台风肆虐、西北高原震情又起、山区峡谷泥石流穿村毁城……完成1—2题。 1、在我国的自然灾害中,下列最为常见且危害范围较广的是 [ ] A、地震和火山 B、台风和沙尘暴 C、滑坡和泥石流 D、洪涝和干旱 2、汶川大地震给我国造成了巨大的灾难,为了更好地防灾减灾,经国务院批准,自2009年起,每年下...
【简答题】2010年的中国经受了一次次历史罕见自然灾害的挑战:西南大部旱魃逞凶、多条江河洪浪翻滚、东南沿海台风肆虐、西北高原震情又起、山区峡谷泥石流穿村毁城……完成下列各题。 小题1:在我国的自然灾害中,下列最为常见且危害范围较广的是 A.地震和火山 B.台风和沙尘暴 C.滑坡和泥石流 D.洪涝和干旱 小题2:汶川大地震给我国造成了巨大的灾难,为了更好地防灾减灾,经国务院批准,自2009年起,每年下列日期为...
【简答题】Directions: After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 1 through 5 in the table below. For each blank, you should write in the table below in no more than 3 ...
【多选题】A warehouse fact table in your Oracle 12c Database is range-partitioned by month and accessed frequently with queries that span multiple partitions The table has a local prefixed, range partitioned in...
Using a partial local Index on the warehouse fact table month column with indexing disabled to the table partitions that return most of their rows to the queries.
Using a partial local Index on the warehouse fact table month column with indexing disabled for the table partitions that return a few rows to the queries.
Using a partitioned view that does a UNION ALL query on the partitions of the warehouse fact table, which retains the existing local partitioned column.
Converting the partitioned table to a partitioned view that does a UNION ALL query on the monthly tables, which retains the existing local partitioned column
Using a partial global index on the warehouse fact table month column with indexing disabling for the table partitions that return most of their rows to the queries.
Using a partial global index on the warehouse fact table month column with indexing disabled for the table partitions that return a few rows to the queries.
【单选题】If you want to book a table in Itoen, you can dial _______.
【单选题】If you want to go to the Astoria, remember to __________ a table in advance.
【简答题】读图12“中国西南地区地质灾害的致灾与成灾机制结构图”和相关材料,回答下列问题。(18分) 材料:我国自然灾害发生频繁,造成损失十分严重。经国务院批准,自2009年起,每年5月12日为我国“防灾减灾日”。普及推广全民防灾减灾知识和避灾自救技能,提高各级综合减灾能力,最大限度地减轻自然灾害的损失。 (1)写出图中字母所代表的地质灾害名称。(6分) A: B: ...