【单选题】Knitting has made a major comeback. People are knitting on college campuses, in coffee shops, and in small knitting groups throughout the United States. New knitting stores, many with cafes, are poppi...
. joining a knitting group is a great way to make new friends
some people knit because it helps them relax and release stress
. today’s knitter is not the stereotypical grandmother in a rocking chair.
as is the case with all fads, this new obses?sion with knitting will fade quickly.
【简答题】课本在介绍了画轴对称图形的一种方法之后,指出“画轴对称图形,这只是图案设计的一种方法”.其实,设计轴对称图形的方法也并不只是课本中介绍的一种.把几个轴对称图形,或者关于某条直线成轴对称的几对图形适当进行组合,也是设计轴对称图形比较常用的办法.下面是几个这样产生出来的轴对称图形的例子. (1)上面几个轴对称图形都是几个轴对称图形组合的产物,但具体做法又可以看作是两种不同情况,请指出是哪两种情况. (...
【单选题】下列各项中,对国家工作人员故意或者过失侵犯行政相对人的合法权益所实施的法律制裁是( )。
【单选题】( )是中国传统插花中非常常见的一种形式,也是中国传统插花最富有特色、最具有代表性的插花表现形式。
【单选题】在使用ORACLE提供的数据库访问工具时,一般都需要提供用户名、口令和数据库连接串,以下哪个文件中存储了对数据库连接串的定义( )
【单选题】Knitting has made a major comeback. People are knitting on college campuses, in coffee shops, and in small knitting groups throughout the United States. New knitting stores, many with cafes, are poppi...
joining a knitting group is a great way to make new friends.
some people knit because it helps them relax and release stress.
today's knitter is not the stereotypical grandmother in a rocking chair.
as is the case with all fads, this new obses-sion with knitting will fade quickly.
【多选题】饭店工装的设计制作应关注:设计及( )。