【单选题】在线性表中,若经常要存取第i个数据元素及其前趋,则宜采用( )存储方式。
【单选题】下列植物中,枝条匍匐生长,单叶对生,叶圆形,基部心形的是 。
【单选题】In recent years many countries of the world have been faced with the problem of how to make their workers more productive. Some experts claim the answer is to make jobs more varied (多种多样的). But do mor...
offer greater productivity
drive workers to work harder
make workers more productive
make worker's life more enjoyable, but do not make them more hardworking
【单选题】古代两河流域美术包括:苏美尔美术、阿卡德王国美术、巴比伦王国美术和( )等。
【单选题】987. 规定孔的尺寸减去轴的尺寸的代数差为负是( )配合。
【单选题】The department head does not believe that this is the right way to deal with the problem.