【简答题】延髓背外侧综合征(Wallenberg syndrome)
【单选题】It is often said that lightning never strikes twice in the same place. But this is not rue. Go ask the forest rangers(护林员). Rangers who spend their summers as fire fighters will tell you that every th...
It is often said that lightning never strikes twice in the same place.
Rangers who spend their summers as fire fighters will tell you that every thunderstorm brings several bolts of lightning to their craggy lookout station.
Not only can lightning strike twice in the same place, but it is likely to.
The familiar saying actually states the opposite of what really happens during an electrical storm.
【判断题】Wallenberg Syndrome 延髓背外侧综合征亦称延髓外侧综合征。病变位于延髓上段的背外侧,常由小脑前下动脉或椎动脉闭塞所致。