【单选题】John decided to __ the present job in order to travel around the word.
【判断题】Product placements can be surprisingly rewarding every time.
【单选题】John decided to the present job in order to travel around the world.
【单选题】John decided to___the present job in order to travel around the Word.
【单选题】John decided to go down to the village because he wanted ______.
to avoid the searching party
to find a doctor to treat his sprained ankle
to seek shelter for the night
to cross the frontier nearby
【单选题】John decided to()the present job in order to travel around the world.
【单选题】John decided to__ the present job in order to travel around the word.
【单选题】下表是明清时期耕地和人口变化的数据。清前期人口比明初增加的政府因素是 ( ) 时期 耕地面积 人口 明初 8 . 5 亿亩 6600 余万 清前期 10 亿亩 4 . 1 亿 A .大量耕地开垦可以养活更多的人 B .摊丁入亩政府使百姓不再隐瞒人口 C .一条鞭法减轻了农民的赋税负担 D .重农抑商政策对农业生产的影响
【单选题】患者,女,35岁。患“肾小球肾炎”,反复浮肿20年,尿闭1天急诊入院。患肾炎后反复眼睑浮肿。6年来排尿每天10余次,夜尿4-5次,2000ml/天。期间,BP19.3/13.3kPa(100mmHg),Hb40-70g/L(110~150),RBC1.3-1.76×10 12 /L (3.5~5.0×10 12 /L)。尿蛋白+,RBC.WBC.上皮细胞0-2/HP。3年来夜尿更明显,尿量约300...