【简答题】试分析房地产开发企业(或建筑工程企业)受市场环境的影响。 2.谈谈新冠疫情对企业的影响。 新冠疫情的爆发,使部分企业遭受营收、现金流上的重创,甚至还导致其生产经营困难。如, 西贝集团董事长贾国龙提出西贝的现金流最多能撑 3 个月 ;北京一知名 KTV 企业称,要么给员工发放 2 个月工资且缴纳社保后解散,要么申请破产。 请从新冠疫情对企业的筹资、投资、经营产生的影响谈谈你认为企业面临的困难。(可以...
【单选题】A company’s success is likely to be affected by how much the company _______ the feedback it has gathered.
【多选题】根据公司法规定,一人有限责任公司( )。
【单选题】The key( )the company’s success was that it employed an excellent manager.
【单选题】运行中一旦机车间发生断钩分离, 将使列车制动管、总风联管、平均管等连接软管断裂,本务机车产生( ) 作用。
【简答题】A company’s success is likely to be affected by how much the company _______ the feedback it has gathered.
【简答题】Reading Read the article below about the changing role of human resources departments. Choose the best sentence following the article to fill each of the gaps. Do not use any letter more than once. Th...
【简答题】The best person for the job Employees can make a business succeed or fail, so the people who choose them have a vital role to play. Employees are a company’s new ideas, its public face and its main as...
【单选题】大量不保留灌肠中病人面色苍白,出冷汗,剧烈腹痛应( )