【单选题】China’s space station, ________ three capsules and covering an area of no less than 60 square meters, will be completed within 10 years.
【单选题】As to the comparison between soft and hard capsules, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
The compositions of their capsule shells are different.
Hard capsules are produced in two procedures while soft capsules are produced in one single procedure.
Soft capsules can be filled with drug solutions.
Hard capsules can be filled with drug powders.
【简答题】缓释胶囊(suscained release capsules)
【简答题】控释胶囊(controlled release capsules)
【简答题】肠溶胶囊(enteric capsules)
【单选题】如图所示为某室外给水管道系统纵断面图,则图中所示给水阀门井和水表井共有( )个。