【判断题】抛物面 被平面 截成一个椭圆 . 用拉格朗日乘子法求这个椭圆到坐标原点的最长和最短距离,可构造拉格朗日函数为
【简答题】阅读材料及下图,并结合所学知识回答下列问题。 (1)描述乙图甲有效风能的分布特点,并分析江苏省开发利用风能的主要原因。(8分) 甲图中的玛曲湿地是维系黄河生态安全的天然屏障;有专家指出:若这个“屏障”被破坏,刘家峡水库每10年就得清淤一次;黄河流过玛曲后平均年径流量由137亿立方米增加到1亿立方米,被称为“黄河蓄水池”。 (2)简述玛曲湿地面积减小对黄河A段产生的主要影响。 2005年人1:2...
【单选题】Many people propose the idea that higher education should be available to only qualified students-students with certain aptitudes, who have achieved an excellent academic performance. However,l beg to...
【简答题】(32分)根据材料和图,结合所学知识,回答下列问题。 很多中药村生长习性独特,有的喜阴,有的喜光,有的喜湿,有的耐寒,有的耐旱,有的耐盐碱……。甘肃省地理位置独特,是全国中药材资源大省,素有“天然药库”、“千年药乡”之称。近年来,依托中药材,甘肃省制药、药膳食品、日化用品等工业蓬勃发展。 (1)简述甘肃省地理位置的特点。(8分) (2)分析甘肃省种植中药材的区位优势。(12分) (3)说明依托中药...
【简答题】抛物面 被平面 截成一个椭圆. 求这个椭圆到原点的最长与最短距离.
【单选题】Many people propose the idea that higher education should be available to only qualified students-students with certain aptitudes, who have achieved an excellent academic performance. However,l beg to...
【简答题】Dear Friends, We are writing this letter to call on everyone to take part in the Clear Your Plate campaign . It urges people to save food by not wasting anything on the dining table. You may not know ...
【简答题】结合所学知识回答问题。 (1)黄河下游的“地上河”是怎样形成的? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (2)综合治理黄河需要采取哪些措施? ________________________________________________________...
【简答题】Dear Friends, We are writing this letter to call on everyone to take part in the Clear Your Plate campaign . It urges people to save food by not wasting anything on the dining table. You may not know ...