【单选题】Apollo secretly sent a _____to chase Orion, and the latter finally was chased into the sea and killed by Artemis by mistake.
leopard killed by Artemis by mistake.
【多选题】可供企业选择的通用的竞争战略主要有( )。
【单选题】Look! That’s the ______________________ film star Jessica by the door. She looks great!
【多选题】可供企业选择的通用的竞争战略主要有( )。
【单选题】“墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自开.遥知不是雪,唯有暗香来”(王安石《梅花》)。诗人在远处就能闻到梅花香味的原因是( )
【单选题】Speaker A: Hello,Jessica. Your new car looks very pretty. Speaker B: ___________________
No, it doesn't look pretty.